The Hunted (2003)


Two great actors did their best to salvage this film. The story had potential, but there were a few eye-rollingly implausible parts and the whole film had the feel of a campy made-for-TV movie.


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013)


A very colourful and lighthearted film, but likely a forgettable one. It is ideal for a lazy weekend afternoon, and will provide a few chuckles. The 3D effects are decent but unspectacular.


Crimson Tide (1995)


This entertaining drama revolves around a gripping standoff which takes place in a nuclear submarine between its two highest ranking officers (with captivating performances by both lead actors). The movie stretches the realities it presents, but it features a solid supporting cast. The story shows how impactful a situation without a clear black-and-white solution can become.


Thor: The Dark World (2013)


The visuals and special effects were top notch, but there were too many jokes and punchlines which detracted from the serious and brooding plot. A longer run-time here could have been used to deepen the many presented elements. The story is a fine continuation of the first film and fits nicely into the Marvel universe. 


Cloud Atlas (2012)


This unforgettable, enthralling epic has six connected narratives which take place over hundreds of years. Each of the stories was compelling enough to warrant development into individual movies, yet here they are excellently edited so all six unfold simultaneously as the film progresses. The movie contains mixture of action, sci-fi, drama, comedy and thriller genres, and combines them into a supremely entertaining tale in which the nearly three hour run-time isn't felt. A single viewing wasn't enough to grasp an epic of this magnitude. I would also recommend the masterfully written novel by David Mitchell which the movie was based on.  


Anchorman (2004)


When this movie came out I loved it. I re-watched it a few years later and still thought it was one of the funniest movies ever. A final re-watch 10 years after its release, and I couldn't get past 30 minutes of it and turned it off. The humour and gags are tedious. Unlike when re-watching older episodes of The Simpsons or other comedies, where some jokes are better understood as we mature and uncover a new level of enjoyment, there is nothing of the sort here.


Mr. Nobody (2009)


A challenging, slow-burning movie with a few finely woven timelines that follow the protagonist, Mr. Nobody. The timelines continue to branch out as the movie progresses to show the effects of his choices on him and the people closest to him. Determinism and an exploration of choice are among the many themes covered. The movie provides much food for thought, and ponders whether a decision can ever be considered right or wrong since there are endless possible effects for every choice made. This exceptional movie might leave the viewer bewildered by the end (not in a bad way), and leaves much open for interpretation.


Timecrimes (2007)


Spoken Language: Spanish
A fascinating thriller with a time-traveling premise. Its refreshing to see a movie with a a first-rate plot, and a story so engrossing which succeeds without any CGI. Close attention needs to be paid to every detail of every scene to enjoy this thought-provoking and entertaining film.


The Best Offer (2013)


An outstanding movie that is part character study, part mystery. Its slow pace and enigmatic developments build a suspenseful atmosphere to keep the audience guessing, and contemplating the movie long after it ends.


Inception (2010)


A unique idea very well executed, fast-paced with rarely a dull moment. Inception has a great mix of action and drama, though like most Nolan films has a dark tone and little humor. The directing is top-notch, and the story compelling to the point that the long run-time goes completely unnoticed. 

IMDB Top 250 - #13

Gravity (2013)


This review is for the 3D version. Gravity is a visual masterpiece, and has set the bar very high for the future of cinema. The movie is filled with many stunning continuous shots which immerse the viewer in outer space, and allows them to watch everything unfold as if floating right alongside the characters. This movie is best experienced on a large screen.

IMDB Top 250 - #140

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Ender's Game (2013)


The visuals in this movie are excellent, though their high quality is almost taken for granted because of the heavy use of special effects in big budget movies lately. Having never read the book, I found the movie engaging, though it seemed to move at too quick a pace, leaving a few things under-developed. Harrison Ford was a great casting choice and the rest of the young actors gave admirable performances.


Captain Phillips (2013)


This movie felt too long. The dialogue between the pirates consisted mostly of them arguing amongst themselves and became tedious. The movie didn't develop enough tension to create a sense that the Captain or crew were in life-threatening danger, though Tom Hanks was fantastic in his role. Maybe this film could have worked as a drama if the pirates had more depth and did more than incessantly squabble.


The Secret in their Eyes (2009)


Spoken Language: Spanish
This movie provides a welcome contrast to the many gloomy movies which permeate the mystery genre. An unresolved case is at the core of this excellent film, and the story is told by seamlessly alternating between the present and past, and (among its many themes) engages the viewer by examining the inter-connectivity of the past and present. The story unfolds at a slow pace, and the result is a gripping and original film.
Bonus: There is a stunning continuous tracking shot that easily places among the greatest single shots in film history.

IMDB Top 250 - #145

Children of Men (2006)


Children of Men is set in a very bleak not-too-distant future, filled with violence, xenophobia, poverty, despair and pollution (thankfully Michael Caine provides some needed comic relief). There are a few excellent continuous tracking shots that last a couple minutes, a rarity in film making, which provide an engrossing experience for the viewer. The story is original, masterfully told and reflects the darkest parts of Western society and shows them in an extreme form.


The Counselor (2013)


This review is for the extended edition. At times this film has the feel of a play rather than a movie because of the prevalent character monologues. The movie is dialogue-heavy and not every spoken line advances the plot (though that's not a bad thing). After the pace is established, the movie flows well as the dark plight of the protagonist unfolds.


Jack Reacher (2012)


A murder mystery laced with action and a sprinkle of humor. Cruise is seemingly infallible in this role, and its easy to root for his crime-solving, ex-military character.


Swordfish (2001)


Swordfish is a decent action/computer hacking flick. The plot is interesting enough to keep the story going, but it could benefit with a deeper backstory. Travolta's character is cool, calculating and ruthless, he carries the movie.


Intouchables (2011)


Spoken Language: French
This feel-good movie has loads of laugh-out-loud moments, but it also explores deeper themes. The chemistry between the two lead actors feels genuine right from the beginning, and the film avoids resorting to racial cliches for humour. Intouchables is hilarious and thought-provoking, the characters have depth, and the result is a moving, excellent film.

IMDB Top 250 - #38

Lawless (2012)


The violence in this film is brutal and the story captivating. Tom Hardy channels a bit of Clint Eastwood and expands on it with a menacing subtly to make the character of Forrest Bonduarant a dominating presence. The film's cinematography and props (especially the cars) add to the great atmosphere in this engaging Prohibition era movie.